Merdeka is the Malay word for Freedom.
It is a word that has defined the aspirations of all mankind
It has sparked revolutions, by inspiring men and women to stand for their rights and beliefs. It has given hope, when there was none. It has led uprisings against tyrants and dictators.
All in the name of...
FreedomLet's examine some definitions of freedom:
"The free communication of thoughts and opinions is one of the most precious rights of man..."That sounds good, doesn't it?
Let's try another one:
"Freedom of speech and expression everywhere, the freedom and the right to worship God in their way everywhere, the freedom from want and freedom from fear"That was even better...
But you know something?
THESE STATEMENTS DON'T APPLY IN OUR COUNTRY!!!You read in the news everyday about people getting arrested for voicing their opinions (Raja Petra). People who get arrested for practising their so called 'illegal' religions (ajaran sesat). People being arrested for wearing black one fine morning (don't even ask...)
The list goes on...
What the hell kinda freedom is this?
And if I get arrested for this, let my name be further evidence to support my claims.
So when we wave our flags and sing patriotic songs. Remember this:
We are not truly free...yet. But we CAN BE.
As long as we don't keep fooling ourselves that we already are.
I will be the first to admit that Malaysia is ALOT better than some other countries. But that is not good enough. Mediocrity in freedom is not freedom at all.
So what
Merdeka are you talking about?