Thursday, October 25, 2007


*St. Michael's Institution, Form 2*

Today, our freedom is at hand. The enemy(which in this case are our end-of-year-exams), have been defeated. All over, celebrations and voices resound with the joys of victory. We have won, despite all odds against a formidable foe. Our preperations(studying) have not been in vain. The battlefield(which is the SMI school grounds) shall tommorow know the true meaning of being hit by a barrage of nuclear weapons(which consists of screaming teenagers).

It's time to tear our school down...


Joel said...

Yes mark...the first wave was after the PMR...the form 3s attacked,then followed by the form 4s...then form 1 and 2.....releasing so much equivalent to the explosion of a nuclear bomb...2moro will be the day....the school will finally know the extent of releasing us from our cages.....

VIVA LA FORM 2!!!!!!!!!!

Alexander said...

HAHA, funny post you got here, you guys are not even dealing with war, ever heard of "it was only defeated, but wasn't destroy". LOL! xD talking crappp! lalalala~

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