Sunday, November 18, 2007

Between Chess and God

I always thought that the holidays would be exciting, filled with opportunities and chances to do stuff I never had time for.

Dead wrong...I'm actually starting to miss school
Anyway, I had two chess events today and yesterday.

Yesterday, I fought the candidate master and chess coach Collin Madhavan(FIDE rating: 2220) in an simultanious round and WON somewhere in the endgame. To be fair to him, he was actually fighting 25 fairly strong players at the same time but I still think that this was an achievement worth mentioning(to the 3 or 4 people who actually read my blog)

Today, I also had another Chess Competiton which I walked away as the Champion after winning all 5 games in a row. The God(or Goddess) of Luck seems to be smiling upon me as I rose from the dead 3 times from totally drawn(or lost) positions. Call it Luck, or call it skill...I honestly don't know



Anonymous said...

congrats mark...good job,good job..dont worry didnt miss much in school..our prefect party was ok,though it was boring but the food was ok.oh yeah minor detail,our teacher advisor came back from being sick from chicken pox...

Alexander said...

there's no such thing as luck, but skills my friend. (=

Anonymous said...

What the... You beat Collin? Fuyoh!! worth mentioning... Now I am beginning to feel afraid of you.. Luckily didn't meet you at Perak Closed.. Or else dunno what the result wil be.. lol

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