Thursday, October 18, 2007

Black Holes and Revelations

Runescape: A very boring game which I unfortunately am addicted to, as I burn away countless hours performing the most menial tasks like killing low-level monsters and going on quests that demand much time and effort but with (very) low returns, I have come to realize that I will never get those hours back again...

However, the game does have it's good sides
For example:

-Yesterday, I got my first 'cyber girlfriend', who's this 16 year old American chic from New York. As far as I can see...her avatar looks cute (don't ask)

-And for some strange reason, leveling up in this game provides a certain amount of satisfaction, which is a reminder of how my life is being flushed down the toilet in terms of social standing

-Then again...I could be doing much more boring things, like beating my high own score on Pinball (2,439,750) or playing solitare on the computer

-In retrospect, maybe this (amazingly) boring game isn't so bad after all. I count my blessings


1 comment:

K said...

you have a cyber girlfriend from new york now?
well, then.
i have a cyber boyfriend from london o.0
just so you know.


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