Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cultural revolution

From my personal(and rather limited) point of view...Friendster is dying a slow, agonizing death. Too many problems with the system, too little stuff to do...

I made a FACEBOOK account, which is like, so much more 'happening'

*Happening - a good descriptive word I picked up at Youth Camp many years ago. Refers to a person, place or event that is considered popular by teenagers(No one cares what old people think)

Also see:

*Punked - another word I learned at Youth Camp to describe a situation in which you were totally fooled, cheated, played out, taken in, conned or suckered by a more intelligent person than yourself

"You got PUNKED!!!"

I probably most of that stuff up...I'm bored. So sue me.

Speaking of Youth Camp, I am guaranteed NOT going this December
(Woe is me)
Hope they have a splendid time...saw the promo video, looks awesome



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