Sunday, June 28, 2009


Just came back from church.
Haven't been going for almost two months
Alot has changed.

My Youth Fellowship is kinda going into decline.

The musicians are still inexperienced, which is's just that they don't seem that passionate about their music compared to their previous counterparts (No offence)

And most of the older members are all leaving. For studies or work

One after the other.
2 more are leaving today.
Many more are following.

Which is depressing...

Also, there are two of my friends there whose mothers are suffering from cancer.
So the atmosphere there has darkened somewhat.

On a more positive note:
My group CY5 has a new leader, Xian Chang to replace our last one (Fish) who left last week
And my cell group members all still kinda close, even after almost 4 years

Hope things get better for everyone

1 comment:

Alexander said...

You're mean :)
Why not you replace Michelle and play the piano/keyboard instead? HAHAAAAAA.
I'll see you & more tic tacs next week! :DD

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