Friday, July 03, 2009

Trial by Fire

My team lost the second round in the Sallehuddin Championship (debate).
Looks like we have to improve alot more to stand a chance in the Nationals.

To be fair to myself and my team, we fought the team that won 1st place in the HELP College Debate this year.
And we only had 2 days to prepare...cause our teacher 'forgot' to tell us about it until Monday (the competition was on Wednesday of the same week)

Anyway, in my opinion, we didn't lose that badly.
We actually stood a fighting chance.

Also, just went for an interview to elect the new EXCO for the Michaelian Chess Club.
I'm aiming for the Presidency, since the rule that only Six Formers could hold that particular post in no longer in effect. exam results were terrible.
And Report Card Day is on Thursday.
And I haven't finished my homework since...January

Die laa...

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